Many thanks to the participants of DIGIT’s very first kick off!

DIGIT’s very first seminar kicked off last Monday. Participants, partners, hosts and external contributors gathered at OsloMet’s locations for one week of lectures, round table discussions, workshops and presentations.

On the introduction day on Monday, the 27 DIGIT participants and the host institution CEDIC presented themselves before we had some inspiring lectures on navigating career transitions from academia to public sector and back again. The rest of the week was dedicated to the school’s thematic clusters. On Tuesday, we had an interesting program on digitalization and working life, where partners from LO and Spekter gave lectures on The Digital Precariat and working-life challenges, while professors and PhD member gave insights on how they investigate these challenges through their own research. We discussed these topics through roundtable discussions.

Wednesday morning, we met at OsloMet’s new locations at Holmlia for a program digitalization, service provision and public administration. It was exciting to hear about the Holmlia project, as well as the lectures from partners at KS, NAV and the Centre for Technology, Innovation and Culture (UiO). We processed these inputs through thematic discussions and scenario workshops with our partners from UiA.

How does digitalization affect security and private life? This was the main topic of Thursday’s program. We heard our partners from No Isolation discuss expected and unexpected challenges when introducing their so called “warm” technology products for the public sector. The criminology department at UiO gave an engaging presentation for reflection, on how algorithms and dataveillance are applicated in law enforcement. The lecturers met for a panel discussion on data, security and private life, with questions from the audience. At the end of the day, we walked through Oslo centre and reached the Munch Museum, where we were presented with the contemporary art exhibition “The Machine is Us”.

Friday’s program was on digitalization, governance and democracy, where we heard about generative AI as a new societal challenge, digitalization, democratic participation and power, as well as imaginaries of the data economy, and Post-Truth Imaginations. After this wide range of presentations, we put on our winter jackets and headed out in the cold, for a walk-and-talk to discuss the presentations of the day. We were welcomed at our partner ISF’s locations with a great lunch, before we had final group discussions to evaluate the week’s program.

It was a great pleasure to meet every member and participant. Thanks to you for a great week filled with exciting conversations and discussions!


The call for hosting DIGIT courses and workshops in 2023/2024 is now open


CEDIC Talk: Researcher Markus M. Bugge from UiO on “How to facilitate digital transformation in the public sector”